Don’t Waste Your Leftover Panettone …

It’s now officially Christmas in our house as we’ve opened the first panettone of the year! As always, I like to use any leftovers of anything I use, so I’ve been thinking of ways to use any leftover panettone that might be lurking around after Christmas.

A great way to use leftover panettone - panettone toast!


This might seem obvious, but it does feel quite decadent having panettone toast during Christmas. Simply toast it as usual, keeping an eye on it as it burns quite quickly, and then spread jam, nutella or just butter on top. A quick and easy breakfast!

French Toast

Take any french toast recipe and change the bread for leftover panettone. It works even better if the panettone is a little stale, so you have no excuse to throw away any little bits that are left over.

Panettone and Marmalade Ice Cream

This is a new discovery for me, and mixes two of my favourite Italian foods, panettone and gelato!

My favourite way to use leftover panettone - panettone ice cream!
100g panettone roughly torn
75g caster sugar
400ml cream
55g icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
4 tablespoons marmalade

Toss the panettone in the caster sugar and then toast under a grill for 2 minutes or until the sugar caramelises. Leave it to cool.

Whip the cream and icing sugar together until you get soft peaks and then add the vanilla paste . Mix with the cooled panettone crumbs and place a couple of heaped tablespoons in a freezerproof container. Then put a layer (about a tablespoon) of marmalade and repeat until you’ve used all of the ice cream mix and marmalade. Freeze.

Allow to soften at room temperature for 5-10 minutes before scooping and eating.

Panettone Rum Baba

An Italian spin on a retro favourite!
4 slices panettone
250ml water
120g sugar
75ml rum
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
150ml cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Place the panettone on your serving plates. Heat the water and sugar together on a medium high heat and allow to simmer and thicken. Add in the rum and vanilla bean paste. Allow to cool completely.

Whip the cream and vanilla together until you get soft peaks. Pour the syrup over the panettone and top with whipped cream. Serve and enjoy!

Cheesecake Crust

This is an ideal way to use over any leftover bits of panettone that you may have hanging around.

Simply crumble the panettone with your fingers, mix with a bit of melted butter, and press into the bottom of your cake tin. Cook the crust for just a few minutes in the oven and then cover with your preferred cheesecake filling. I’d suggest a topping of something citrus to compliment the flavours in the panettone.

Panettone Tiramisu

A combination of two Italian classics - panettone tiramisu!
Simply follow any tiramisu recipe but replace the lady’s fingers with slices of panettone. You could also substitute the coffee liqueur for an orange liqueur, which will again compliment the panettone.

Panettone Biscuits

This is another ideal way to use up any odd leftover bits of panettone and you can also get the kids involved with this one!


400g panettone
80g soft butter
1 egg
2 tbsp flour
1 tsp Italian yeast (or baking powder)
Icing sugar (optional)

Preheat oven at 200˚C and line a large baking tray with baking paper. Tear the panettone into pieces and process in an electric mixer, scraping from the walls of the bowl every now and again with a spoon.

Once broken down, transfer the panettone into a large bowl. Add the butter, flour, yeast and egg and combine the mixture with your hands to obtain a smooth and firm dough.

Take 1-2 tbsp of the mixture at a time and roll into small balls. Place the biscuits onto the baking tray leaving a decent space between each one as they will spread! Bake for around 15 minutes or until golden brown. Set aside to cool and sprinkle with icing sugar before serving if you want.

Bread And Butter Pudding

Finally, one I use every year! Replace the bread in any recipe for panettone. You can change the recipe as well by adding in different flavours, such as candied orange peel, or orange segments.

So, now you can use every last little bit of that lovely panettone! If you have any other suggestions, please leave your comments below!

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